Friday, April 27, 2007

Nature Calls

The first inklings of wildflowers appeared many weeks ago, but the fields and gullys are now alive with color, as the bloom reaches it's peak. I am sorry to report that there is a significant lag on this blog -no realtime- I've pictures in the can, that are not to hit the blogosphere for maybe days...these pics we get to enjoy today are just a week old, yet they are already ancient history in terms of natural history!! I am amazed at the rapidity with which nature is brought forth. Truly, it is a time of abundunt life. The budswell of evening, is the columbine blossom of the morning. (They are starting to bloom now as well, sexy, dependable perennial. Images of which are still locked in pixel jail. ) I am irrigiting, even though we just had rain less than a week ago. The wind and very moderate temps (over 70* all week) are really drying things out. The garlic and onions are loving it and really starting to do their thing. Weed and feed now!! The brassicas are a wash, and are slated to be soup, quiche and compost this next week in favor of other hobby crops...

The Native Oak Trees .............Amazing in their beauty right now, I love the hanging tendrils of their 'blooms'
Pakistan Mulberry ............
CLOSE UP Of the Mulberry Fruit ....
Bartlett Pear ...........First year this sweety has fruit . It is just 4 years old.

MORE Tulips.........I have grown to love the tulip. They are a bit fussy, and all of them seem to eventually peter out, I still really enjoy them.With so many varied colors and the sweet way they open and close with the day, they are a great addition to the springtime garden.
Vineyard.....Baby baby vineyard. I am Adopting a very OLD vineyard for the season and it makes these grapes look very puny.My vineyard is only 5 years old, but they all have fruit this year!
Catalog of Daffodil Favorites soon to come...........
DAWN REDWOOD: The Deciduous Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) Sprouts!
The Last Glimpes of The Purple blossom form anyway, killer little 1" applets to come


chumly said...

Thank you, made my rainy day a little brighter looking at those photo's.

Faith Peters said...

Hello mate great blog poost