My Online Journal of the seasonal flow at home. The images, experiences, poetry, impressions and facts of the trees, vines, flowers, vegetables, herbs, wildlife and pets that live here.
Monday, December 15, 2008
A December to Remember - My 100th Post!!
Vista Magic...First snowfall.
Ballerina Poised for Winter Performance...Below, the Winding Road Home.
Last of Autumn, Hangin' On Flowers Still Blooming and Fruit Hanging on the Vine ...taken just days ago. Below, Figs Flavorless...they resent being planted on an east facing slope, at over 2000' elevation. The summer figs are a small crop, but are much more dependable than the fall figs, which as you can see, even in the best of Octobers miss their mark. Sigh
Last of the Peppers...and the Real Pepper!
Beautiful Evening Sky with Autumn Colors Wearing Winter Gear...
Lights in the Dark of Winter...Below, Spotlight Eden Prairie Mn: View from Home. Sigh - of bliss.
Long Shadows in the Dark of Winter.... I am (so) happy to be back on the blog. A computer glitch has kept me off my main PC for over 3 weeks. So, I taught my back-up PC all about Nikon tonight, and like magic, I am back online. December has been very warm (no hard frost ...yet.) Then, our first snows arrived Sunday, and temps are forecast in the mid-20's for this week! We have over 6" of snow here on the hill. It has been a blast, and very beautiful. More later. xxooJj
kym you are a faithful commentor...where do u find the time?? RE: Driving in the snow: Hey with 200 lbs of carpenter sand in the back and chains on the rear of my 740 volvo wagon - we cruise over the ice/snow like a tank! Who needs an SUV?? :)many thanks. jj
Happy 100th! The snow is beautiful and fun to photograph though not to drive in. I love where I live but sometimes I wouldn't mind your view!
Please tell the ballerina she looks lovely.
kym you are a faithful commentor...where do u find the time?? RE: Driving in the snow: Hey with 200 lbs of carpenter sand in the back and chains on the rear of my 740 volvo wagon - we cruise over the ice/snow like a tank! Who needs an SUV?? :)many thanks. jj
holliday greetings!
You have some AMAZING pictures on here.
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