Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Way Later...

Cool June...Clouds rolling through on the wind...Calendula...ever blooming...Veggie Hits...and Hollyhock Sprouts....

Bumblebees A-plenty ...
Drone Bee...Outside the hive...WHY? (notice, its right wing is deformed...did he attempt to chase a queen and fail...?) Pictures below illustrate the antics of one of my hives. Numbers in this hive are few, there is very little uncapped brood, and on my last inspection I didn't find the queen but may have seen queen cells....! One afternoon they put on quite a display - Swarming? Nuptial flight of a new queen? I have many questions and few answers. Side note: This is a very active BEEFORUM. It is for Top Bar Hive enthusiasts, but many of the same principals apply; plus TBH's are very interesting! Top Bar Hives are simple bee hives, with about 30 slats across the top. The bees build all the foundation themselves and the hive can be built from simple materials. The claim is that TBH's do away with a lot of the hassle and extra gear of traditional bee keeping.... For now, we are in wait and see mode on this hive. I may need to re-queen it. My other hive is building up splendidly; their numbers are at least 4x's the weaker hive. They have already received two supers in addition to the brood chamber, which is 2 hive bodies deep. The queen there is laying like wildfire, beautiful even abundant brood and eggs. Crab Apples...and below, Backside of Ballerina - at Summer Arts Fair 2008- Middle Daughter sharing her gift...Thank you R.

I am having a hard time logging much time on line. I have chores in excess, and an uncooperative body. Nuff said. I have lots more images ready for the web, and will try to post again tomorrow. xxoo Jj

1 comment:

Kym said...

As always I enjoy your photos but I'm especially enjoying your bee pictures!