The Male Mosquitoes consume only sugary liquids like nectar, so they are an aide in pollination. Unlike their blood thirsty mates, they actually have one beneficial influence on humans! Are you interested in Mosquito trivia and facts? Go
Plum Possibilities..I love the
bursting with potential feeling to this image.

Greengage Plum...The earliest of the plums that I have to begin blooming. Greengage are cool because they resemble a Japanese plum in flavor and texture, but they are actually European so there is little pruning required beyond the basics; which are to cut out all the dead and broken limbs; remove crossing limbs, and open up the center by removing most inward facing twigs and branches. One could also head back the top some - cutting no more than 50% of new growth - to control size and match the tree height to the limits of your ladder!

Vinca...Invasive and Viney. Planted in the shade at the edge of buildings, and controlled from taking over by being placed opposite a pathway, they do make a cooling ground cover for near your structures.
Do not allow it to escape, unless you are going for the viney and invasive look. They are good for shady areas away from the main garden.

Pear Blossom..Actually this is the precursor to the multi blossomed pear flower. I love how hairy they are, like they are wearing little jackets.

Pansies...Up close and personal. Erotic.

The First of the Nectarine Blossoms...They are early and tender; I am hoping for a mellow spring.

Forsythia...A brightly colored and cheery spreading bush for the homestead. This dependable and carefree perennial is one of the first things to bloom in the spring.

Would you Believe This Beauty Above is a Dandelion? Curly.

Daffodil Show - Gotta love 'em, they seem to shout SPRING!

Bay Laurel Blossom...Succulent and weird looking. Below, three very clear illustrations why ridge top living is the best! Three very different sunrises and although the view is the same, it never is. Do you know what I mean?

Snoopy...Mr. Kind Eyes. Below, Bear Butte...looking ominous in the breaking day.

The cloud activity has been pretty constant the last couple of days. Prior to that, the weather overall has been warm, calm and dry. The rain is moving in for real tonight, and we need it. As you can see, the garden is starting to show its colors. We are busy with a multitude of springtime chores. Moved about a ton of wood off my new grape site and I pruned the bulk of the early blooming fruit trees, except for the almond, which frankly is too tall for my ladder! Now what? We started a load of spring greens, and the weather has been absolutely cooperative. If you don't have your peas in yet, please! soak them tonight, to plant out tomorrow in the rain. Peas do
very well in a dry spring like we have been having. The long stretch of sunny days allowed the soil to really warm up.
Oh Yea,
Big Thanks to Eric, for the cool links on his blog -
SoHumParlance, our local
virtual water cooler for all things current. Must be a slow news week...heh heh
Beautiful photos. I love coming down the ridge to sight of the sunrise and the valley packed in cotton wool.
You are so cool to visit my blog AND leave a comment. Blogger hugs 2 U. Jj
Awesome pics jojo! The garden looks like it's off to a great start. Thanks for the visual feast!
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