Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Rose is a Rose ... So They Say...

A Rose is a Rose...
The Fire Poker...A dependable vigorous clumping perennial. The hummingbirds adore these flowers and they are extremely drought tolerant and unique. These are orange and yellow, though in this image, they appear as a silhouette against the afternoon two mammoth trees!
The Winter Greens ...
Last of the Lilacs...
Persimmon Tree...A persimmon can grow nearly 100' high in the ideal climate. My persimmon is about 8 years old and nearly 15' tall. It has been bearing fruit for a few years already. The persimmon has an interesting habit of sending out its new growth in a constricted, downward fashion, notice also, all the little baby sized persimmons! Its large waxy leaves make it an interesting and beautiful ornamental as well.
Persimmon budlets...
"Banksia" Rose...
Old Homestead Cherry...

Afternoon Light...Streaming through the back 'forty'...

Many photos. Few words. I hope we all can enjoy these lengthening days, for in just 6 more weeks, again, they will begin to shorten!

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